“The CEO of DLOSIB participates as a speaker at the Campollano Business Association, as well as at the University of Castilla La Mancha”

“The CEO of DLOSIB participates as a speaker at the Campollano Business Association, as well as at the University of Castilla La Mancha”

Today 10/14/2021, Juan Manuel de la Ossa, CEO of DLOSIB, has participated as a speaker in the seminar ‘Foreign Trade and Intellectual Property’, a seminar that Dlosib has held jointly with Nemesio F. Fernández-Pacheco from Lerroux Business Lawyers.

The seminar was held at the headquarters of the Campollano Entrepreneurs Association, an Association in which both Dlosib and Lerroux are part of the same within the group of “Adeca Value Added Companies” (EVAA).

The training session was supported by Caixabank.

Also today, and after the meeting at the Campollano Business Association, Juan Manuel de la Ossa has participated as a speaker at the “Meetings with Companies” conference held by the University of Castilla La Mancha (UCLM), and whose presentation title it has been “Export as the future for any company”.

* Press release made by the DLOSIB Communication Department