Why Choose Us


To have success

Possibly many people have approached your company to help you in your internationalization process, so why choose us? What is our added value and what differentiates us from the competition?

Professional experience

Nuestro equipo si en algo se diferencia más allá de su formación académica de primer nivel, es en la experiencia profesional que aportan a cada oportunidad y sector de actividad determinado, todos y cada uno de los miembros que lo componen.

Experience acquired for more than 20 years working in International Business Development, implementing and executing successful projects for loyal clients who are satisfied with the work we have done for their company, are the true basis of our business and the only reason for our reason for to be.

International Business Development requires adequate training and experience in this field, and with these two factors that we have just mentioned above, and regardless of the sector of activity to which your company is dedicated, we will be able to develop business wherever it is. since there is always a place in the world that requires the product or services to which your company is dedicated.

Sectors in which we have already worked internationally and with which we have extensive experience:

  • Industrial Sector.

  • Food industry.

  • Service sector.

  • Construction and public works sector.

  • Cultural sector (Audiovisual).

  • Public Administration Sector.

  • Others (more than 15 sectors from different areas).

Training in the areas of international trade and marketing, both nationally and internationally in different and varied sectors of activity

in top-level business schools

Academic training

Training in top-level business schools in the world in the areas of international trade and marketing, together with the most important part which is that of a wide professional experience both nationally and internationally in different and varied sectors of activity make our team, YOUR TEAM, in the key that your company needs to grow regardless of its size since for each company (large, medium or small), there is a possibility of internationalization and a market with wide business possibilities at your fingertips .

The formation of our team:

Very few consulting firms in International Business Development can count as we do with managers and professionals trained in the EXECUTIVE areas of business schools of the highest prestige worldwide as it is


“ESADE named the fourth best business school” in the world “in education in the EXECUTIVE area”

Todavía son menores aún las consultoras en Desarrollo de Negocio Internacional que cuentan entre los miembros de su equipo como así lo hacemos nosotros, con expertos que llevan una gran cantidad de años participando como ponentes de reconocido prestigio profesional en el área de Marketing y Ventas así como en Nuevas Tecnologías y Globalización, dentro de uno de las Masters más prestigiosos a nivel nacional en el área de Comercio Internacional como así lo es el



The “MASTER’S DEGREE IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND ITS TECHNIQUES” at UCLM in collaboration with IPEX (Institute for Foreign Promotion of Castilla la Mancha), selected as one of the five best master’s degrees in international trade in Spain (within the Business specialty) in the ranking produced by the newspaper “El Mundo” and which includes a selection of the best postgraduate programs by categories.

Additionally, our professionals have outstanding superior academic training and first level in areas of undoubted value for an effective and successful international process, and thus we find doctoral students in Law, Graduates in Economics, Computer Engineering, experts in web programming, Human Resources , etc….

Definitive advice based on experience and expert knowledge.

Find out more about the most relevant aspects of our services, as well as who leads the DLOSIB team.
Planning, business control, management of opportunities and development of the same to reach the highest market levels in the best conditions, are some examples of the services that DLOSIB offers you. We provide you with all the support and advice necessary for the growth of your company and the success of your business.