“The keys to export from the hand of DLOSIB”. Interview with the CEO of DLOSIB on the COPE chain

“The keys to export from the hand of DLOSIB”. Interview with the CEO of DLOSIB on the COPE chain

We transfer you the new interview that the CEO of DLOSIB, Juan Manuel de la Ossa, has carried out on Monday, June 16, 2020 on the COPE radio network.

During the present, we have talked about how companies can deal with exports and with the help of Dlosib, a situation of slowdown in the Spanish economy, the issue of the business sectors that export the most as well as the countries with which they We have broader business quotas, and in the opinion of Juan Manuel de la Ossa, the keys that allow Spanish companies to grow with exports as a lifeline at a time like the present have been cited.

Link to the interview (click on the following link, and then click on audio to listen to it):

(link to interview)

We hope it is of interest to you.

* Press release made by the DLOSIB Communication Department