Interview on the television of Castilla La Mancha with the CEO of Dlosib, and in which he talks about export data and the activity of our company in foreign markets

Interview on the television of Castilla La Mancha with the CEO of Dlosib, and in which he talks about export data and the activity of our company in foreign markets

We transfer you the interview that the CEO of DLOSIB, Juan Manuel de la Ossa, carried out on Tuesday June 9, 2020 in the program “Castilla La Mancha Wake Up” on Castilla La Mancha Television (CM Media)

In it, the export data for the first quarter of 2020 by sectors and countries was discussed, as well as the activity of Dlosib in different international markets.

We hope it is of interest to you.

* Press release made by the DLOSIB Communication Department